Odins Øje
Odin's Eye
En animationsfilm af Maria Mac Dalland efter manuskript af Thomas Winding
Varighed / 25 min.
Indtaling (Dansk Version) / Thomas Winding
Narration (English Version) / Tom McEwan
Wake Film / YouTube
Odins Øje fortæller historien om verdens skabelse, menneskets oprindelse og kampen mellem guder og jætter i den nordiske mytologi. Filmen giver børn og unge fra 7 år og op mulighed for at stifte bekendtskab med Vikingetidens myter og sagn om guder i Norden.
Odins Øje fortæller om fødsel, liv, død og genfødsel. Odin skaber verden og prøver at lave orden i den ved at jage jætterne bort. Men da hans søn Balder får frygtelige drømme, begynder Odin at spekulere over om han har skabt verden forkert. Han dykker ned i Mimers brønd for at lære sandheden at kende. Her får Odin øje på jætten Loke som siger: "Jeg er dig. Jeg er alt det du tænker". Og på en måde kan man sige, at Odin bliver klogere. Men han opdager også, at han har mistet sit ene øje i bytte for det han har fået at vide.
Odin's Eye is the story of the Creation, the origin of man, and the struggle between Ases and Giants of the Nordic mythology. The film offers children and young people from 7 years and upwards the opportunity of getting acquainted with the myths and the sagas of the Viking Era.
Odin's Eye is about birth, life, death and rebirth. Odin has created the world and tries to organize it by ousting the Giants. But, when his son Balder has terrible dreams, Odin begins to think that maybe he has created the wrong kind of world. He dives into Mimer's Well to learn the truth. The Giant Loke appears in the water and speaks to Odin: "I am you. I am all your thoughts". And, in a way, one could say that Odin has become wiser. But then also, he realizes that he has lost an eye in exchange for the knowledge he has acquired.
Sound Engineer & Composer / Manuel Espasandin
Contrabass Compositions / Marcos Gabay / Henry Eccles / Carlos Gomez
Editor / Niels Pagh Andersen
Dance & Chroreography / Steen Koerner
Dancers / Vladimir Damianov, Balder / Dino Garcia, Vile / Peder S. Hansen, Ve / Rui da Conceicao Pereira, Odin / Josephine Raahauge, Hel
Musicians / Marcos Gabay, contrabass / Manuel Espasandin, guitar, vocals etc. / Mads-U. Stampe Lindeløf, electric bass / Martin Kløft, Didgeridoo / Jorge Camiruaga, xylophon / Carlos Gomez, guitar
Line Producer / Robert Grant
Underwater Photography / Edvard Friis-Møller
Property Man / Bent E. Rasmussen
Computer Supervisor / Lars Beyer
Studio & Location / FilmGear & Herlev Badet
Sound Studio / Studie A. Mix / Sun Studio
On-line / Fridthjof Film. Data-to-film Transfer / Rekorder
Laboratory / Nordisk Film Lab
Executive Producer / Dino Raymond Hansen
Produced by Wake Film ApS with support from Danish Film Institute, Film Consultant Bodil Cold-Ravnkilde, and TV 2/Danmark, Programme Editor Bubber
Copyright Wake Film ApS 2004